Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm no longer a blog virgin. CAUTION, WARNING, OH SHIT!!! Here we go

WOW!!! So here it is. My very first blog post. After hearing everybody else talk about them I figured I'd give it a shot. I have a lot of stuff to say. Some funny, and then some not. So after today. My blogging cherry has been popped, and I'm no longer a blog virgin. 
So every good book needs a pointless introduction telling you what it is about and why I the writer decided to write it, and I guess the same will go for a blog. So this is it, but I rather call it a disclaimer of sorts. Kind of like the warning tag on an appliances, or like the pointless do not remove sticker on a couch cushion or mattress.  
                This will be a collection of tales, quotes, mindless thoughts and random crap that flows through my head on an everyday basis. Who am I? Well I’m nobody special. Just your average red blooded (like there is really any other kind of blood) American Joe who is pissed at the world and the idiots in it. If there is a line I’m the guy who will usually cross it without fear of the repercussions. I’m my own worst enemy and find humor in all situations even if they are bad. I’m the guy your parents warned you about and your friends told you to stay away from… I’m 29, a tad bit over weight and under educated to some because I'm still working on my college degree. I’m patriotic. I’m lude, crude, and rude... I don’t have many friends because I hate people… The ones that I do have, have the misfortune to be such I hold close to my heart.  I make fun of other people and their misfortunes including my own. So I’m an equal opportunity asshole.  The positive side of this is I won’t say anything behind your back that I wouldn’t say to your face. I’m usually the guy who says what the crowd is thinking. So I’m sure there is something in this book that you have at least thought about once in your life, and if you say no, then do us all a favor and pass out whatever it is your smoking so we can all live in your fairy tale candy ass world... My shrink said this would be a good way for me to channel all my feelings. I have been often told to write a book my friends so one day I decided what the hell…
                As you read this the following pose, you need to know this can be entirely truth or entirely bullshit…Maybe somewhere in between; I will leave that up to you. The names of the people in this collection of post have been changed to protect the stupid…Well maybe, or maybe not… So if you are reading this and think I am talking about you well guess what…I’m not!! So get over yourself.. If you are easily offended by things are you are so uptight you could stick a lump of coal up your ass it would be a diamond...Then please do us all the favor and don't read any further... I don’t want any hate letters from people whining about this... You know something... I don’t care!!!!! Don’t mistake me for the guy who actually gives a shit, because I don’t.  You have been warned. If you really have an issue with what I got to say, then write your own damn blog and talk about me in it. So now that we have that out of the way, this message will self destruct in 3 seconds…2….1…..

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