Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Every rose has a gas station, and that gas station has a drunk naked man.

This has became one of my favorite stories to tell... One night me and my buddy "The Grandest Pony"...and yes that is his name... Anyways, one night we were working the night shift at our place of slavery and moral abuse when we decided to run to the near by 24 hour gas station to grab a drink and a pack of smokes. You can usally always expect to see something interesting in one of those places at about 3 am, but what happen I don't think either of us could have expected.
As we were about to check out an almost naked man(and I say almost because what he had on was not much) approached us smelling of trash, alcohol and, god knows what else and proceeded to talk to us. "You know what?" he ask us smiling with barley any teeth and blacken gums. I hiding behind the pony in all of his grandness not because I was scared but because I was getting my pocket knife out in case I needed to us it ask "What?" "I just humped me a woman in them bushes over there and now the cops are looking for me cause someone saw me." Without hesitation the pony responds by saying "nice, good job, and you be safe." to amuse the man in his accomplishment and to lean our way out of conversation. As we finished to check out the man looks at us as he walks out the door as says to us "I like to do two things in this world, drink beer, and hump women." and then walks away naked into the darkness.
Me and the Pony returned to work and told our story to our coworkers. As the night proceeded on I wrote a song with my buddy ZAC ATTACK, and yes that is his name about the nights adventures. I had the tune of "Every Rose has a torn" from Poison stuck in my head. So we came up with the song "I like to drink beer, and hump women too"......which goes to the same tune..
Years later we all have moved on to other things, but still recall that night. When we get together we sing the song like we are around a campfire and send each other text with the naked strangers words of wisdom. If only we could have gotten his name. Ride on oh drunken stranger....Ride on...

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