Monday, February 21, 2011

High Five No AIDS

This story has been told many times by many people, but I am going to give the short and sweet version. So one day me and my buddy Josh were sitting down for a dinner time break at our place of employment when he begins to tell me a story about our buddy Fred.. It seems that the other night at our local watering hole Fred hooked up with a good ole’ fashion crazy bitch...You know the one I’m talking about guys... The hot girl you sit at the bar alone or sometimes they are with friends like a pack of wolves looking for their next prey…The ones that you can just smell crazy, but for some odd reason we fall victim to the spells…Its like we long for the craziness that is about to come our way..
 Well Fred went to talk to her, bought her a drink and sat down beside her. Well the night went on and as the hours passed and the drinks disappeared. Talking turns into touching, and kissing turns into more and next thing well you get the picture…Well the morning after once they were done they exchange numbers and went on their separate ways..
                Well two days later Fred gets a call from this girl in the early am hours saying she has AIDS and that he gave it to her. Thinking it was a joke he laughed and hung up the phone. The phone rang again, it was her... “I have AIDS she replied and you gave it to me…we have an appointment with the doctor today” Fred knowing this was bullshit agreed to meet her at the doctor to satisfy all doubts...
                Blood was taken and the doctor came back into the room and looks at Fred and the girl and gave them news that they were both negative for the virus... Fred giving the girl the dumb bitch look turned to the doctor holding up his hand and said “high five…no AIDS” and the doctor gave him a high five…

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